Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 166

What's there to say really? Not a whole lot is going on other than my fight to get the hell out of the 240's and stay out. I was out yesterday but I had a water gain today and threw me right back into them. Several curse words ensued.

Here's my gym. I only go at night, so there will probably never be a photo of it during the day coming from me. During the day, every parking spot is taken. This gym, as you can see, isn't even that big. I prefer going at night where I'm usually alone. Well, there are a couple people usually...but theres a machine of every variety available.

I've got an amazing vacation coming up in less than a week. I know it's going to be incredible. I am, however, super nervous about gaining weight. If I do anything out of the norm, I gain yeah, nervous about that. It's totally worth it though. Plus I get to see my bestie Shawnie...haven't seen her since, like, mid February.

Hopefully I'll remember to post again before I take off for a while. I posted a video on youtube Wednesday ( ). I'll try to post one Tuesday before I leave and then the next weeks video...well, I'm not quite sure about that one yet. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. :P I hop you're doing well, if you need me, you know where to find me!


Yahoo Messenger: brunette.betty


Unknown said...

Whatever happened to you? You stopped writing and doing video blogs... You were one of my inspirations and I enjoyed watching/reading you.

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