Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 166

What's there to say really? Not a whole lot is going on other than my fight to get the hell out of the 240's and stay out. I was out yesterday but I had a water gain today and threw me right back into them. Several curse words ensued.

Here's my gym. I only go at night, so there will probably never be a photo of it during the day coming from me. During the day, every parking spot is taken. This gym, as you can see, isn't even that big. I prefer going at night where I'm usually alone. Well, there are a couple people usually...but theres a machine of every variety available.

I've got an amazing vacation coming up in less than a week. I know it's going to be incredible. I am, however, super nervous about gaining weight. If I do anything out of the norm, I gain yeah, nervous about that. It's totally worth it though. Plus I get to see my bestie Shawnie...haven't seen her since, like, mid February.

Hopefully I'll remember to post again before I take off for a while. I posted a video on youtube Wednesday ( ). I'll try to post one Tuesday before I leave and then the next weeks video...well, I'm not quite sure about that one yet. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. :P I hop you're doing well, if you need me, you know where to find me!


Yahoo Messenger: brunette.betty

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ok, I need to vent big time. This is also a warning for any woman who happens to read this. Do NOT...I repeat, do NOT go on Depo-Provera. It will ruin your life. I was on depo for a couple years on two seperate occassions. The last time I was on Depo was back in 2006. I am *still* suffering the consequences of my decision to be on it in the first place. Things I was never warned about. I am praying that one day the FDA wisens up and pulls this horrible birth control off the market and when that day comes, I want to sue. Some women have had it worse than me, all my complaints are cosmetic, but there are women, YOUNG women, who have suffered far worse. Don't be one of them.

I'm 26 and I have things wrong with me that shouldn't be wrong til I'm, like, 60. It's going to cost me TONS of money (that I don't have cause I can't find a job), pain and time to correct what's been done. Things will never be the same. Please heed my warning. Stay away from Depo-Provera!

If you, like me, have suffered or are suffering from having been put on this drug, sign the petition below. It's time to take this off of the market!


Yahoo Messenger: brunette.betty

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 145

Yep, I'm a slacker! I rarely post anymore. I don't really think anyone reads this so I don't feel very motivated to update it. lol Instead of day to day, I'll shoot for weekly. I've got so many things going on. Job hunting, RPG, writing and a bunch more. Ok, so it's not a lot but I forget about this. lol

Things have been going well since I got back from up north. Haven't cheated, been going to the gym. I've basically been killin' it all week. Andddd, since today is Friday, challenege is over and I can go back to weighing in every single day! Yay! I weighed in today and things are definitely going well.

If you haven't already, check out my youtube channel. I think I've posted a video since I last blogged.

Talk to ya later!



Yahoo Messenger: brunette.betty
